Rococo 01 with Dragon

Rococo 01 with Dragon

Rococo-style stucco ceiling with fresco painting (dragon in the sky above). Much better than my previous attempt at Rococo.

I personally think of this style of architectural detail as “frosting” or “foo-foo”. It has been a struggle to learn to make it procedurally with Substance - partially because it’s a struggle to visualize all the little parts and pieces required to make it in the first place.

Playing around with making a painting - fresco - for the Rococo stucco ceiling. Rococo ceiling’s commonly had frescos painted in the center - common subjects being cherubs, angels, and god-like kings. Since, I don’t want to paint “people”, I thought a dragon would be a fun alternative. It’s intended to be a dragon - it’s not convincing.

Unlike architectural features, where you have geometry making things easy to shape and repeat, creatures need to be made in a more piecemeal fashion, and thus are more challenging. I tried to make basic shapes - shape and combine them - and use splatter circular & tile sampler where possible.

Design available at my Spoonflower shop:

Rococo ceiling deisgn with Dragon Fabric | Spoonflower
Rococo ceiling deisgn with Dragon custom fabric by studiopickett for sale on Spoonflower