Venice - Marble Floor Tile
Marble floor design inspired by the Ca d’Oro in Venice. In the past, I’ve drawn up intricate designs in AutoCAD and then imported the into Substance. This time - I created the entire design in Substance!!! Woot! So fully procedural design here!!! I left is shiny and clean - mostly because it will print on fabric much better this way. I may make a dirty and beat-up version just for practice, someday.
To make the complicated tile pattern, I made shapes in various shades of gray - then blended groups of shapes together using the “max lighten” option. This puts the white shaded objects over the darker gray shaded objects. Then I used the “edge detect” to get the black outlines. The edge detect node gives inconsistent black line widths - kind of annoying - but it is very sensitive to similar shades of gray, which is really nice.
This design is no longer available.